Was AI a Tool?

02 May 2024

I. Introduction

In my academic journey, my professor advocated for the use of AI as a valuable tool, highlighting its potential to enhance our learning and problem-solving abilities. It became evident that AI’s effectiveness is directly proportional to our existing knowledge base. However, my experiences with AI, particularly through platforms like ChatGPT, have left me grappling with conflicting emotions. While it undeniably offers swift solutions to queries, it also fosters a sense of dependency that concerns me. There’s a temptation to rely on it excessively, undermining the development of my own critical thinking skills. Nevertheless, I acknowledge the profound impact of AI as a groundbreaking invention that demands responsible use. It’s essential to treat AI as a tool to be utilized judiciously, supplementing rather than replacing our cognitive capacities.

II. Personal Experience with AI:

I have used AI in class this semester in the following areas:

  1. Experience WODs e.g. E18
    • During my experience with WODs (Workouts of the Day), I’ve found AI to be a helpful tool for tidying up my code and fixing ESLint errors. It’s been a time-saver, especially for quickly addressing common issues like missing semicolons or syntax errors. When I hit a wall with a problem I can’t seem to crack, I turn to AI and occasionally check out walkthrough videos for a little extra guidance.
  2. In-class Practice WODs
    • During in-class Practice WODs, I deliberately abstained from using AI. Instead, I opted to challenge myself by relying solely on my ability to comprehend the tasks step by step. This approach proved to be quite beneficial, as it helped me gauge when to resort to AI assistance and when I could efficiently tackle the tasks independently. Surprisingly, I discovered that I could handle the majority of the WODs on my own and successfully complete them without external aid.
  3. In-class WODs
    • During in-class practice WODs, I’ve experimented with using AI. I recognize its potential to provide quick solutions, especially when copying and pasting, which often works seamlessly. However, there are instances where even AI struggles to solve the practice WODs. Initially, I refrained from relying on AI because I lacked the know-how to leverage it effectively and ask the right questions for it to assist. Yet, as I delved into the concept of “Smart-Questions,” which we’ve learned, I realized its applicability to AI. This approach helped me navigate towards the necessary steps to tackle the problems effectively. Subsequently, I would refine the solution based on the insights gained, ultimately arriving at the correct solution for the WOD. This experience enhanced my skill in asking “Smart-Questions” and reinforced the understanding that AI’s intelligence is contingent on the user’s proficiency.
  4. Essays
    • When it comes to essays, I rely entirely on AI to refine them. To ensure that the essence of my message remains intact, I provide clear instructions to the AI, stating, “This is my ‘text’. I would like you to identify any grammatical errors and misspelled words. If there are any nonsensical parts, please bring them to my attention.” This approach allows the AI to assist me without altering the core ideas I aim to convey. By incorporating my text into the process, I benefit from the AI’s assistance in enhancing the structural integrity of my essays and catching any human errors I may have overlooked.
  5. Final project
    • For the final project, I’ve employed AI to address issues that were beyond my comprehension. Tasks like developing our “Special sauce” often demanded extensive brainstorming sessions with the team. However, as students juggling multiple assignments, our time management became a challenge, making it difficult to coordinate meetings at optimal times. Although we scheduled meetings twice a week, the demands of our project’s “Special sauce” required more frequent collaboration. AI proved to be invaluable in bridging the gaps by providing assistance and streamlining our thought processes, saving us considerable time and effort.
  6. Learning a concept / tutorial
    • When it comes to learning new concepts, I haven’t relied on AI. I haven’t found it particularly useful in this context. The readings and lectures provided by professors have been quite straightforward and easy to grasp. In fact, I’ve often found them so comprehensible that I could follow along even while eating. Therefore, I haven’t felt the need for AI assistance when it comes to simply understanding new material.
  7. Answering a question in class or in Discord
    • When it comes to answering questions in class or on Discord, I’ve found AI to be quite useful. There’s always a sense of curiosity in seeing what a bot might suggest rather than simply resorting to a Google search. Since we’re still in the process of understanding AI as a tool, I believe it’s beneficial to keep experimenting with it, pushing its capabilities and exploring its potential by applying it to various tasks and questions we encounter. This helps us better understand its limitations and strengths.
  8. Asking or answering a smart-question
    • When it comes to asking smart questions, AI showcases a strong understanding of how to formulate them effectively. It becomes evident that precision in questioning is key, as AI can efficiently address problems when provided with clear and specific inquiries. In my group project, team members often hesitate to rely solely on AI for assistance, as they view it as a last resort when stuck. However, I’ve found that AI can still be utilized effectively in a different capacity to aid those in need. Rather than expecting it to directly solve complex problems, I employ AI to help identify resources or alternative approaches for problem-solving. This approach prevents the risk of receiving incorrect answers through brute force methods and instead directs us towards more informed solutions.
  9. Coding example e.g. “give an example of using Underscore .pluck”

var uhdata = [
"CAMPUS":"UH Manoa",
"GROUP1":"School of Law",
"GROUP2":"School of Law",
"CAMPUS":"Kapi`olani CC",
"CIP_DESC":"Liberal Arts",
"GROUP1":"General & Pre-Prof Ed",
"GROUP2":"Liberal Arts",
"GROUP3":"Liberal Arts",
"OUTCOME":"Associate Degrees",

// Extracting FISCAL_YEAR using _.pluck
var fiscalYears = _.pluck(uhdata, 'FISCAL_YEAR');

  1. Explaining code
    • This code snippet serves as a brief illustration drawn from the experience WODS we engage with independently. Here, I utilized the “pluck” function to extract the “FISCAL_YEAR” data from all objects within the “uhdata” collection. AI has played a significant role in identifying and organizing the different components of the code, enabling me to navigate through it more effectively and minimize errors.
  2. Writing code
    • When writing code, I typically begin by outlining the skeleton of the code myself. Then, I leverage AI to evaluate potential improvements to the structure. Additionally, I utilize AI to generate the actual code based on the skeleton I provide. This approach assists me in establishing a strong foundation for my solution and streamlines the coding process.
  3. Documenting code
    • When it comes to documenting code, I find it essential to utilize AI for this task. AI aids in ensuring that my code is well-organized by providing detailed notes and documentation for each section of the code. While I sometimes overlook this step and write code without documenting it, I rely on AI to rectify such oversights. Remarkably, AI consistently accurately identifies the functionality of the code I’ve written. It appears that documenting code is an area where AI excels and proves to be an invaluable tool.
  4. Quality assurance
    • Utilizing AI provides me with a valuable tool for refining and finalizing my work, whether it’s an essay or a piece of code. It lends structure and organization to my creations, acting as a versatile Swiss army knife for problem-solving. By efficiently tackling smaller tasks, AI helps to free up time and resources for addressing larger issues. This capability instills a sense of quality assurance for the user, ensuring that the end result meets desired standards.
  5. Other uses in ICS 314 not listed above
    • AI has proven instrumental in exploring potential career paths utilizing the skills acquired from this class. I’ve utilized AI to identify job opportunities that align with the concepts we’ve learned, such as Meteor, within various companies. However, beyond these specific applications, I’ve found limited utility for AI in my endeavors.

III. Impact on Learning and Understanding:

AI has played a crucial role in broadening my understanding, not only as a tool but also as a reflection of the rapidly evolving landscape of technology that influences my chosen career path. It has provided me with insights into its workings, allowing me to grasp both its capabilities and limitations. This aspect has significantly enriched my educational journey in completing my software engineering class. While some may view dependence on AI skeptically, I recognize its value, especially for those with minimal coding experience. Utilizing AI effectively requires skill in formulating precise questions to elicit accurate responses.

IV. Practical Applications:

I envision AI being employed for tasks like simplifying code by sorting it for specific purposes or repurposing it for different problems. AI essentially serves as pre-existing code that can provide optimal solutions, whether it’s suggesting the best way to enjoy a meal or determining the ideal time for outdoor activities. It’s akin to the assistance provided by virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, or “Hey Google,” offering users informed recommendations and insights.

V. Challenges and Opportunities:

The interesting challenge with AI is that it can be just as “smart” or “dumb” as its user, which adds a humorous aspect to the equation. There’s an opportunity to enhance AI’s capabilities by continuously building upon our own knowledge and understanding of the tool. However, the limitations of AI are inherently tied to the extent of human knowledge. Acknowledging this, it becomes our responsibility to push the boundaries and develop new forms of knowledge for AI to leverage in its applications.

VI. Comparative Analysis:

Integrating AI into a class that aims to foster independent learning and the mastery of coding skills presents a distinct challenge. Some argue that relying on AI can potentially diminish the development of essential skill sets among students. However, I hold a different perspective. As I mentioned earlier, AI’s effectiveness is contingent upon the user’s proficiency. There are instances where we learn and refine our coding skills by troubleshooting and fixing code generated by AI based on our initial blueprint. Therefore, upon closer analysis, this integration represents a relatively new educational approach that holds promise. I am eager to witness further advancements and discoveries as students continue to engage with this evolving technology.

VII. Future Considerations:

In envisioning the future of this innovative AI integration, I see a crucial emphasis on the skill of asking smart questions. As AI continues to evolve, it’s imperative for students to not only master this skill but also challenge themselves to pose even more sophisticated queries. These are the types of questions that, in my opinion, AI will be well-equipped to answer accurately. However, I do harbor concerns about AI’s potential to accommodate what may seem like “dumb” questions, which could inadvertently lead users to believe they’ve asked smart questions. In scenarios where complex problems are met with simplistic inquiries and still yield solutions, I fear it may impede genuine progress.

VIII. Conclusion:

The use of AI in education, especially in coding courses, brings both benefits and challenges. While some worry it could undermine essential skill development, others view it as a valuable tool for enhancing learning and problem-solving. However, the effectiveness of AI depends largely on the user’s proficiency and the quality of questions asked. Moving forward, integrating AI in education will likely emphasize critical thinking and inquiry skills. Educators and learners must adapt to AI’s potential while being mindful of its limitations.


AI played a significant role in crafting this essay, contributing to improved structural coherence and rectifying grammatical errors.